What is the return I can expect on my investment?

Miami is one of the 10 most attractive cities for investment worldwide based on the annual wealth report ¨Wealth Report¨, because of its stability and socio-economic development.

It is important to highlight that there is a lot of misinformation around the market, there are people who talk about a return of more than 15% per year, there are opportunities that can offer these numbers, but they are very few. In a stable market like Miami’s it is more scarce.

The reality is that a return of 5-6% per year on the amount of investment is the most common and reasonable to obtain after covering all taxes. On the other hand, more profitability can be generated in the medium term 5-7 years, with the capital gain that a good purchase can generate. That is to say that one choosing well its investment can generate between a 9-15% annual including capital gain.

An important issue to take into account at the time of purchase is the cost of administration of the complex (Home Owner Association) that depending on the number of amenities or the number of houses or apartments, can affect your profitability.

The main attraction of investing in Miami is its security, it has a stable socio-economic and political environment that protects its economy and your investment.